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June 2nd - June 5th, 2025 Summer Junior Camp - Beginner Camp Only

Monday, June 2, 2025 - 09:00 to Thursday, June 5, 2025 - 12:00

Get out of the house and do something fun this summer!
Looking for an exciting and fun adventure for your child or teenager, instead of spending time indoors playing video games this summer? The Bandit has the perfect solution! Enroll them in our summer junior golf camp, where they’ll discover a lifelong sport they’ll love!

Beginner Camp is for youth ages 7+ and serve as an introduction to the game of golf.  Participants will receive instruction aimed at developing basic fundamentals, take part in various games on and around the practice grounds, and enjoy plenty of time on the golf course itself.  It is recommended participants complete four Beginner Camps prior to advancing to Intermediate.  (maximum attendance is 25)

Beginner Camp Tuition: $128 ($125 + $3 Registration Fee)

Have Questions?  Feel free to reach out to our Director of Better Golf, John Doria.
Cell: (512) 213-5609
E-Mail: johnd@foresightgolf.net


21 spots remaining
Price: $128.00